Merchant Dashboard Features


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Welcome to your Dashboard


Check your daily transactions

Home > Activity > Today´s Transactions

Check the status of your Payments

Home > Activity > Payments

AVS check blocking transactions?

Since now you have your own MID we have upgraded your security settings to minimize fraud, and stop card attacks for good.

What does the AVS check do?

Simple, it matches the billing zip code to the bank's records, so if you do not use the correct info, the transaction will fail.

Will this slow my sales?

Most people realize quickly they have made a mistake, update the Zip Code, and successfully try again. But if your checkout only has one address, your customer will be unable to enter a different Billing Address.

To avoid excess AVS check fails, please make sure you have both addresses on the checkout page. Don't worry if the address is the same they can check the box to indicate so

Check the status of your Payouts

Home > Activity > Payouts

Check all your transactions

Home > Activity > All transactions

History of transactions will allow you to order by date, transaction, or amount.

Home > Activity > History

Find your Merchant Statements by period or type

Home > Activity > Statements

Product Section

You can create a payment request that allows you to send it to anyone via SMS, Email or Link Generation (copy and paste in anywhere)

Home > Product > Payment Request

How to use WAAVE Payment Request (WaaveInvoice)

Check your inventory 

Home > Product > Inventory


You will find all the items that are approved, rejected or pending review by our Compliance Team

Check more info about WaaveCompliance here

Check WAAVE Compliance Rules Per Vertical here 

Home > Compliance

Check our Knowledge Base and find Product Manuals, Deployment instructions, FAQ, Fraud preventing tips, and all the info you need!

Home > Knowledge Base

You can reach our team via chat if you have any questions


"Self-served" Refunds are here!

Go to Payments > Successful and click the refund button to quickly issue a refund for any transaction.

Click here for more info about refunds.


The WAAVE Virtual Terminal helps you make payments at the counter with a debit or credit card in hand, but it can also be used to take payments over the phone if you are an E-commerce only merchant

Check how to use WAAVE terminal here

Your WAAVE terminal is in your Dashboard. 

If the button is grey, it is because you have not requested access to the terminal. You will need to upgrade your membership.

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