Magento Install instructions


Last Update 2 years ago

WAAVE Payment Gateway module install manually

  1. Login to your Magento Hosting site using SSH connection.

  2. After successful SSH login, using the command line open the Magento root directory where Magento 2 is installed.

  3. Upload WAAVE Payment Gateway module (as zip) to your Magento installation root directory

  4. Locate to the Magento “app/code” folder

  5. Create new folder “local”

  6. Upzip the file into the Magento “app/code/local” folder


7. Copy WAAVE_PaymentGateway.xm to app/etc/modules


8. The module Configuration can be found under

Stores>>Configuration>>Sales>>Payment Methods>>WAAVE Payment Gateway in the Magento Admin panel like in example picture below:

9. Enter Access Key, Private Key, Venue ID. Please note this Test Mode is for the Sandbox environment, please choose No.

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