Magento 2 Instructions


Last Update één jaar geleden

WAAVE Payment Gateway module manual installation

  1. Login to your Magento 2 Hosting site using SSH connection.

  2. After successful SSH login, using the command line open the Magento root directory where Magento 2 is installed.

  3. Upload WAAVE's Payment Gateway module (as a zip) to your Magento 2 installation root directory You will find the latest version here

  4. Find the Magento “app/code” folder

  5. Create a new folder “local”

  6. Unzip the file into the Magento “app/code/local” folder


7. Copy WAAVE_PaymentGateway.xm to app/etc/modules


8. The module Configuration can be found under

Stores>>Configuration>>Sales>>Payment Methods>>WAAVE Payment Gateway in the Magento Admin panel like in example picture below:

9. Enter Access Key, Private Key, Venue ID. Please note this Test Mode is for the Sandbox environment, please choose No.

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